-- Draft           Cisco-Specific IP Multicast MIB           July 1994


        enterprises                      FROM RFC1155-SMI
        Integer32, Counter32, IpAddress  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        RowStatus, TruthValue            FROM SNMPv2-TC
        OwnerString                      FROM RFC1271-MIB
        igmpInterfaceEntry               FROM IGMP-MIB;

        LAST-UPDATED "9407301359Z"
        ORGANIZATION "Cisco System Inc."
                "    Cisco System Inc."
                "The MIB module for Cisco-specific management of IP
                Multicast in Cisco devices."
--PSIM         ::= { enterprises 9 10 4 }
        ::= { enterprises cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) 4 }

    -- cisco           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 9 }
    -- ciscoExperiment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cisco 10 }

    ciscoMcastMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMcastMIB 1 }

    mcastAccess  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMcastMIBObjects 1 }
    mcastTrace   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMcastMIBObjects 2 }
    mcastFilter  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMcastMIBObjects 3 }

    -- The Multicast Access-list Group

    -- The PIM Rendezvous-Point Access-list Table
    pimRpAccessListTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PimRpAccessListEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The (conceptual) table containing the access-lists of IP
                Multicast groups configured for specific Rendezvous-
                Points.  An RP for which there is no entry in this table
                is configured for all groups."
        ::= { mcastAccess 1 }

    pimRpAccessListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     PimRpAccessListEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "An entry (conceptual row) in the pimRpAccessListTable."
        INDEX      { pimRpAccessListRP }
        ::= { pimRpAccessListTable 1 }

    PimRpAccessListEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        pimRpAccessListRP         IpAddress,
        pimRpAccessListNumber     INTEGER,
        pimRpAccessListStatus     RowStatus

    pimRpAccessListRP OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The address of the Rendezvous Point for which this entry
                contains access-list information."
        ::= { pimRpAccessListEntry 1 }

    pimRpAccessListNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..100)
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
                "The number of the access-list which specifies the range
                of group addresses which have this Rendezvous Point.  A
                value of zero is equivalent to no access-list."
        ::= { pimRpAccessListEntry 2 }

    pimRpAccessListStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
                "The status of this row."
        ::= { pimRpAccessListEntry 3 }

    -- The IGMP Access-list Table
    igmpAccessListTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IgmpAccessListEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The (conceptual) table containing the configured access-
                lists of IP Multicast groups for which join requests
                received from hosts (i.e., directly attached group
                members) via specific interfaces are allowed.  If no
                access-list is defined for an interface, any group can be
                joined via that interace."
        ::= { mcastAccess 2 }

    igmpAccessListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IgmpAccessListEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "An entry (conceptual row) in the igmpAccessListTable."
        AUGMENTS      { igmpInterfaceEntry }
        ::= { igmpAccessListTable 1 }

    IgmpAccessListEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        igmpAccessListNumber     INTEGER

    igmpAccessListNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..100)
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "The number of the access-list which specifies the IP
                multicast groups for which joins are allowed on this
                interface.  A value of zero is equivalent to no access-
        ::= { igmpAccessListEntry 1 }

    --  The Multicast Tracing MIB-Group

    mcastTraceRequest   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mcastTrace 1 }
    mcastTraceResponse  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mcastTrace 2 }

    -- The router provides the following a CLI command:
    --   mrbranch <group> <branch-address>
    --     Traces a branch of a multicast tree for group <group> in the
    --     reverse direction from the router with the <branch-address>
    --     up the tree to the source of the mrbranch request. Both the
    --     request and response are unicast addressed. The number of
    --     packets generated is 2 times the number of routers between
    --     the source and <branch-address>.
    -- The following objects provide for mrbranch to be invoked via SNMP
    -- (by multiple managers, but only one at a time) using the following
    -- procedure:
    -- 1. wait for mrbranchState == inactive,
    -- 2. issue a SetRequest with
    --         mrbranchGroup = group address
    --         mrbranchBranch = branch address
    --         mrbranchRequestor = unique id for this request
    --         mrbranchState = active
    --         (optionally include mrbranchTimeout and mrbranchRequestor)
    --   if successful, mrbranch has been started
    --   else if error-index ==  mrbranchState
    --        then some other NMS got in first
    --        else check for other errors
    -- 3. retrieve results by periodically polling for mrbranchState,
    -- 4. when mrbranchState == inactive, retrieve all entries in the
    --    mrbranchResponseTable to obtain the results, ensuring that
    --    mrbranchRequestor remains unchanged,
    -- 5. it is advisable to issue mrbranch multiple times to get best
    --    results

    mrbranchState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     INTEGER { inactive(1),  active(2) }
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "The state of the SNMP-invoked mrbranch facility.  Only
                one such mrbranch may be in progress at a time.  When this
                object has the value 'inactive', setting it to 'active'
                causes an mrbranch to be invoked using the values of
                mrbranchGroup, mrbranchBranch and mrbranchTimeout which
                were set either concurrently or most recently.  The value
                stays 'active' until the mrbranch completes/times-out at
                which time it becomes 'inactive'.  Setting this value to
                'active' when it is already 'active' it is an error.
                Setting it to 'inactive' either cancels the active
                mrbranch or is a no-op."
        ::= { mcastTraceRequest 1 }

    mrbranchGroup OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "The IP multicast group address to be used by the next
                SNMP-invoked mrbranch command."
        ::= { mcastTraceRequest 2 }

    mrbranchBranch OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "The branch address, i.e., the IP unicast address of the
                responding router, to be used by the next SNMP-invoked
                mrbranch command."
        ::= { mcastTraceRequest 3 }

    mrbranchTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32
        UNITS      "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "The maximum number of seconds to be taken by the next
                SNMP-invoked mrbranch command."
        ::= { mcastTraceRequest 4 }

    mrbranchRequestor OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     OwnerString
        UNITS      "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "An indication of the identity of invoker the
                last/current/next SNMP-invoked mrbranch command."
        ::= { mcastTraceRequest 5 }

    --  The Mrbranch Response Table
    mrbranchResponseTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MrbranchResponseEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The table containing mrbranch responses.  Additional
                information from mrbranch responses is contained in the
        ::= { mcastTraceResponse 1 }

    mrbranchResponseEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     MrbranchResponseEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "An entry in the mrbranchResponseTable, representing one
                mrbranch response."
        INDEX      { mrbranchResponseResponder }
        ::= { mrbranchResponseTable 1 }

    MrbranchResponseEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        mrbranchResponseResponder  IpAddress,
        mrbranchResponseRtt        Integer32,
        mrbranchResponseRPF        IpAddress

    mrbranchResponseResponder OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The IP address of the responder to the mrbranch request
                for which this entry contains information."
        ::= { mrbranchResponseEntry 1 }

    mrbranchResponseRtt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                "The time taken for the request to be sent and the
                response to come back for this responder to the mrbranch
        ::= { mrbranchResponseEntry 2 }

    mrbranchResponseRPF OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                "The IP address of the RPF neighbor of the responder to
                the mrbranch request."
        ::= { mrbranchResponseEntry 3 }

    --  The Mrbranch Response Interface List Table
    mrbranchInterfaceListTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MrbranchInterfaceListEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The table containing information on outgoing interfaces
                as reported in a response to a mrbranch.  Each entry is
                one of a list of outgoing interface from a particular
        ::= { mcastTraceResponse 2 }

    mrbranchInterfaceListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     MrbranchInterfaceListEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "An entry in the mrbranchInterfaceListTable containing a
                particular outgoing interface listed in the response to a
                mrbranch received from the responder indicated by
        INDEX      { mrbranchResponseResponder,
                     mrbranchInterfaceListAddress }
        ::= { mrbranchInterfaceListTable 1 }

    MrbranchInterfaceListEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        mrbranchInterfaceListAddress  IpAddress,
        mrbranchInterfaceListNetMask  IpAddress

    mrbranchInterfaceListAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                "The IP address of the outgoing interface."
        ::= { mrbranchInterfaceListEntry 1 }

    mrbranchInterfaceListNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                "The network mask of the IP address of the outgoing
        ::= { mrbranchInterfaceListEntry 2 }

    --  The IGMP Conditional Filtering MIB-Group

    igmpConditionalFilteringEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "An indication of whether IGMP Conditional Filtering is
        ::= {  mcastFilter 1 }

    igmpMemberReportTimeout  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32
        UNITS      "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "The number of seconds for which the receipt of the most
                recent IGMP Membership Report for a particular IP
                multicast group on a particular interface indicates that
                there is currently a member of that group on that
        ::= {  mcastFilter 2 }

    --  The IGMP Conditional Filtering Interface Table
    igmpCondFilterIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IgmpCondFilterIfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The table containing information on interfaces for use
                with IGMP Conditional Filtering."
        ::= { mcastFilter 3 }

    igmpCondFilterIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IgmpCondFilterIfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "An entry in the igmpCondFilterIfTable containing
                information on a particular interface."
        INDEX      { igmpCondFilterIfIndex }
        ::= { igmpCondFilterIfTable 1 }

    IgmpCondFilterIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        igmpCondFilterIfIndex      Integer32,
        igmpCondFilterIfStatus     INTEGER,
        igmpCondFilterIfRouter     TruthValue

    igmpCondFilterIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The ifIndex value of the interface."
        ::= { igmpCondFilterIfEntry 1 }

    igmpCondFilterIfStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     INTEGER { routerPresent(1),
                             dynamic(3) }
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS     current
                "An indication of whether the presense of an IP multicast
                router on this interface is to be determined statically or
                dynamically.  The values routerPresent(1) and noRouter(2)
                indicate that the presence of a router is statically
                determined to be present or not-present, respectively.
                The value dynamic(3) indicates the presence is to be
                determined dynamically."
        ::= { igmpCondFilterIfEntry 2 }

    igmpCondFilterIfRouter OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                "An indication of whether an IP multicast router is
                present on this interface."
        ::= { igmpCondFilterIfEntry 3 }

    --  The IGMP Conditional Filtering Multicast-Group Table
    igmpCondFilterMcastTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IgmpCondFilterMcastEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The table containing information on IP multicast groups
                for use with IGMP Conditional Filtering."
        ::= { mcastFilter 4 }

    igmpCondFilterMcastEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IgmpCondFilterMcastEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "An entry in the igmpCondFilterMcastTable containing
                information on a particular IP multicast group on a
                particular interface.  An entry is created by the agent
                when it receives on the interface either an IP multicast
                datagram destined to the multicast group, or an IGMP
                Membership Report for the group.  An entry can also be
                created by network management to indicate that datagrams
                for the multicast group are to be forwarded to the
                interface irrespective of the receipt/non-receipt of IGMP
                Membership Reports."
        INDEX      { igmpCondFilterMcastIfIndex,
                     igmpCondFilterMcastAddress }
        ::= { igmpCondFilterMcastTable 1 }

    IgmpCondFilterMcastEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        igmpCondFilterMcastIfIndex    Integer32,
        igmpCondFilterMcastAddress    IpAddress,
        igmpCondFilterMcastMember     TruthValue,
        igmpCondFilterMcastInPkts     Counter32,
        igmpCondFilterMcastOutPkts    Counter32,
        igmpCondFilterMcastStatus     RowStatus

    igmpCondFilterMcastIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The ifIndex value of the interface."
        ::= { igmpCondFilterMcastEntry 1 }

    igmpCondFilterMcastAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "The IP multicast group."
        ::= { igmpCondFilterMcastEntry 2 }

    igmpCondFilterMcastMember OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
                "An indication of whether there is currently a member of
                the IP multicast group on this interface."
        ::= { igmpCondFilterMcastEntry 3 }

    igmpCondFilterMcastInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                "The number of IP multicast datagrams destined for this
                multicast address which have been received on this
        ::= { igmpCondFilterMcastEntry 4 }

    igmpCondFilterMcastOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                "The number of IP multicast datagrams destined for this
                multicast address which have been forwarded to this
        ::= { igmpCondFilterMcastEntry 5 }

    igmpCondFilterMcastStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
                "The status of this row.  If a row is created for a IP
                multicast group on a particular interface with the
                instance of igmpCondFilterMcastMember set to true(1), then
                datagrams destined to the multicast group are to be
                forwarded to the interface independent of whether IGMP
                Membership Reports are received."
        ::= { igmpCondFilterMcastEntry 6 }

    -- conformance information

                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMcastMIB 2 }
                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMcastMIBConformance 1 }
                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMcastMIBConformance 2 }

    -- compliance statements

    ciscoMcastMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  current
                "The compliance statement for routers implementing the
                Cisco-specific IP Multicast MIB."
        MODULE  -- this module
            MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoMcastAccessMIBGroup,

            OBJECT      pimRpAccessListNumber
            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "Write access is not required."

            OBJECT      pimRpAccessListStatus
            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "Create and write access is not required."

            OBJECT      igmpAccessListNumber
            MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "Write access is not required."

        ::= { ciscoMcastMIBCompliances 1 }

    ciscoMcastCondFilterMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  current
                "The compliance statement for bridges/switches which
                implement Conditional IGMP Filtering."
        MODULE  -- this module
            MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoMcastFilterMIBGroup }
        ::= { ciscoMcastMIBCompliances 2 }

    -- units of conformance

    ciscoMcastAccessMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { pimRpAccessListNumber, pimRpAccessListStatus,
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing management of Access-
                Lists for IP Multicast in Cisco routers."
        ::= { ciscoMcastMIBGroups 1 }

    ciscoMrbranchMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { mrbranchState, mrbranchGroup, mrbranchBranch,
                  mrbranchTimeout, mrbranchRequestor,
                  mrbranchResponseRtt, mrbranchResponseRPF,
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing for the invocation of
                mrbranch commands in Cisco routers."
        ::= { ciscoMcastMIBGroups 2 }

    ciscoMcastFilterMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { igmpConditionalFilteringEnable,
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects for management of
                bridges/switches which implement IGMP Conditional
        ::= { ciscoMcastMIBGroups 3 }